CMS Teacher Evaluation Information
The purpose of this page is to provide full transparency between teachers and administration pertaining to yearly teacher evaluations. The goal of administration as a tool in helping teachers grow as professionals. In addition, we want to provide feedback on specific goals and objectives set by the teaching staff an administration.
Please keep in mind, we are always reviewing, evaluating, and making adjustments to the evaluation process. If/when modifications are made, they will be updated on this page.

PIVOT Self Evaluation: Must be complete by Thursday, August 29, 2024.
PIVOT Goal Setting (3 Goals): Must be complete by Friday, September 20, 2024.
Optional Video Lessons (up to 2) May be submitted anytime from November 1, 2024 - April 11, 2024.
Mid-Year Reviews will be scheduled during the month of January.
PIVOT Goal Documents uploaded, PD & Contribution Forms, and Local Data must be submitted by Friday, May 9, 2024.
Exit Interviews will be scheduled from May 19th-May 30th.
Self Assessment and Growth Plans
PIVOT Self Assessment: Your self assessment must be complete by Thursday, August 29th. You should use your results to help guide your two individual goals.
PIVOT Growth Plans: Your Growth Plans must be complete by Friday, September 20th All teachers must have three goals (1 building goal, 2 individual goals). For your individual goals, you may select from our optional menu or create your own.
Again this year, we are going to simplify the process. We are going to remove the "Area of Focus". We are going to write three meaningful and measurable goals. The actions steps are going to detail what specifically needs to be done to reach the rating of Distinguished, Proficient, or Basic. (See Building Goal for an example.
Building Goal (Required)
Feel free to use the following for your Growth Plan General Comments if it applies to you:
"This growth plan is intended to help me grow as an educator. One goal was provided to me as a building goal and I selected the other two. When selecting my goals, I considered the results of my self-assessment to create goals that were both meaningful and measurable."
The video is a few years old. Some of the due dates have changed but the process remains the same.
Instructional Data Collection
PIVOT Observations: Every teacher being evaluated this year will have a minimum of two formal observation. (Please note: If a teacher chooses to submit a video lesson, it will count as one of the two formal observations. If a teacher chooses to submit two video lessons, both video lessons will be scripted and coded in PIVOT but the teacher will still be observed, in person, at least once by a PIVOT trained administrator) Every in-person observation will last at least 15 minutes. The observation will be scripted, coded, and at least one Notice/Wondering question will be provided for teacher feedback.
Walk-Throughs: Throughout the year, administrators will conduct brief walk-throughs of classrooms. Although these are not as formal as PIVOT Observations because they will not be scripted or coded, the content can be beneficial. Teachers will receive feedback through email within 24 hours and the content of the email may be included in the narrative portion of that teacher's evaluation. There is no minimum or maximum numbers of walk-throughs per teacher.
Video Lesson(s) (Optional): All teachers have the option to submit up to two video lessons. These video lessons will be treated the same as an in-person observation. The observation will be scripted, coded, and at least one Notice/Wondering question will be provided for teacher feedback. The advantages of a virtual lesson for the teacher is that they have increased autonomy. The teacher controls the time and location of the instruction. Also, if they encounter and unexpected problem, the lesson may be redone. *Beginning on November 1st, Gopro video cameras with tripods will be available for check out from the Principal.
Basic Requirements of a Virtual Lesson:
1) It must be submitted to their evaluating administrator.
2) It must be directly connected to learning standards.
4) The lesson must be at least fifteen minutes in length.
Student Growth and Assessment Data
As of July 1, 2024, the MDE has made changes to the teacher evaluation process. (Link to Summary of Changes: Educator Evaluation Law)
For CMS teacher evaluations, we use both local (10%) and state (10%) data.
Our local data is based on NWEA scores. Each grade level calculates a Growth Percentage for both Math and ELA. Those two scores are averaged and that data is used for every teacher assigned to that grade level.
Tentative plan. It will be approved in the near future.
For most teachers, it is easy to determine the grade level alignment. However, for teachers who impact multiple grade levels, the following rule will be used. If 75% or more of their instructional time is spent with a specific grade level, that grade level will be used. If no single grade level represents at least 75% of their instructional time, that teacher will have a weighted growth data number. For example, if a teacher has two section of 7th grade and three section of 8th grade. Their growth data number will reflect 60% 8th grade and 40% 7th grade.
Our state data is based on our PSAT scores for the three most recent years available. Our district calculates what percentage of our students scored at, or above, the state average for both Math and ELA. I hope to have the PSAT results available and calculated prior to Christmas break. However, that will be determine by when PSAT releases their data to administrators.
Professional Development & Contributions
Professional Development: These hours are not part of the 30 District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) hours. These must be earned outside of the normal school day (weekends and evenings). In order to receive a perfect 4 out of 4 points, you must earn four additional professional development hours.
Contributions: In order to receive a perfect 4 out of 4 points, you must earn a minimum of five contribution points. Below is a list (not all inclusive) of contributions and there assigned point value.
Attend a school board meeting (non-presenter): 1 point
Attend a District Improvement Team Meeting (non-team member): 1 point
Attend a middle school athletic event: 1 point (limited to 1 point)
Attend a middle school band concert: 1 point (limited to 1 point)
Attend the middle school 8th grade Academic Recognition Night: 1 point
Middle School Dance Chaperone: 1 point
Grant Application (must be principal approved): 1 point